
Kompressor - Brush Your Teethhttp://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=kompressor%20brush%20your%20teeth


When you wake up in the morning at a quarter to oneAnd you feel like having lots of funYou brush you teeth ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - chYou brush you teeth ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - chWhen you wake up in the morning at a quarter to twoand you feel like you need something to doYou brush you teeth ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - chYou brush you teeth ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - chWhen you wake up in the morning at a quarter to threeand your minds starts a singing twiddle-dee-deeYou brush you teeth ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - chYou brush you teeth ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - chWhen you wake up in the morning at a quarter to fourand you think you hears a knock on the doorYou brush you teeth ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - chYou brush you teeth ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - chWhen you wake up in the morning and it's a quarter to fiveand you just can't wait to come alive !You brush you teeth ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - chYou brush you teeth ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - ch - ch


小孩子头上划了个口子可要缝美容针 吃软化子宫的药对胎儿有影响吗 排卵期白带黏黏的是正在排卵吗 怀孕二个多月拉便便总是硬黑绿怕吗 出生十八天的宝宝洗完澡哭了眼睛出血 孕60天做了四次b超 新生儿会代谢妈妈的血吗 产后多长时间可以同房 人流前医生开了妇乐片 广西梧州市龙圩医院人流多少钱 胎动会造成检查四维的时候胎儿是草鞋脚吗? 妈富隆怎么吃 怀孕六个月腰痛起床困难怎么办 西安市雁塔区开元幼儿园是公立还得私立 酒精几度可以直接擦身上 在怀孕2周4天的时候做胸透有影响吗 宝宝晚上脸红嘴干 天龙八部北极熊一般悟性和灵性提到多少就可以了 怀孕6个月看电影声音太大会不会对胎儿有影响0 随着车子的晃动有男的蹭我