
i have a pet which is a puppy,cute and funny.white fur,short tail,long ears,black nose,and a big slim body,that is my little lovely dog.

I have a pet, it is a puppy, it is very lovely and very interesting. Its body is white, short tail, long ears, black nose, big, long body.

i have a pet, it is a puppy, it is very lovely andinteresting.Its body is white, it has short tail, long ears, black nose and big long body.

I have a pet, it is a small dog, it is very lovely and interesting. Its body is white,it has big and long body with short tail,long ears and black nose.

I have a pet, it is a puppy, it is very lovely and very interesting. Its body is white, short tail, long ears, black nose, big, long body.自己在网上下载一个翻译词典,以后有不会的问题就可以用它解决了,我用的是谷歌金山词霸,很方便的,还能翻译各国的语言,你不妨也试一试。


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