
Just for youI picked the reddest apple from the tree. It was the finest one that I could see. I saved it all except a bite or two. Just for you. I carried home the groceries from the store. I wanted to be helpful with a chore. I put them all away except a few. Just for you. Someday I'll be grown up too. And if I can I'll grow up just like you. I ate up all my lunch just like you said But I think there was a little too much bread. And so I left the crust when I was through just for you. Someday I'll be grown up too. If I can I'll grow up just like you. Just one more thing before I go to bed. And everything I have to say is said. There's something special that I want to do. http://ssa.dfjq.com.cn/...201043174014539.mp3


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